About Stomalicious

My aim with Stoma-licious is to create a fun, positive and interesting community that is open to all (with or without an inflammatory bowel disease – IBD). A place to learn more about, spread awareness of and embrace our lives with IBD. I want to encourage people to share their stories, emotions and feelings about living with an IBD. No topic is taboo!

I will share personal experiences of my struggle with Crohn’s, having surgery, travelling the world and living life with a stoma. I hope to instil some wisdom and have a bit of fun at the same time.

PhototasticCollage-2015-04-24-17-36-43As the name suggests, I also want to promote that having a stoma can be sexy!!! We may not all have the internal parts of our bootys anymore, but we have our stomas, and I’m not ashamed to get my stoma-licious belly out!

So I guess this blog is about a lot of things! It’s about me and my story (the good, the bad and the ugly)! My past and ongoing experience living with Crohn’s and a stoma. It’s about travelling the world, food, friends, family, relationships, sex, pooping my pants, medication and side effects, coping and management techniques, hospitals and surgery, stoma stories, toilet trivia, the list goes on! No subject is off limits!

It’s important to acknowledge that everybody is different, and has a different story and experience to share. This blog is based on my own personal experience. I am not a doctor or nurse and what works for me may not necessarily work for you. IBD is incredibly individualistic when it comes to symptoms, diet, medication and treatment. I urge you to please share your experiences and comments too.

Stomalicious is still a bit of a work in progress, but my aspiration is to encourage discussion, inspire others, impart knowledge, reduce stigmas and demystify IBD. There are already a lot of incredible pages doing this, but I hope Stoma-licious is unique and a valuable Australian addition to the IBD activists out there. Together we create a united front in growing awareness and a greater acceptance of IBD in the wider community.

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