The diary of me and my little guy in lockdown **Exercise**

Up until last Wednesday in the UK we could only go out for one hour of exercise each day. With restrictions slightly lifted over the last week, this has now been increased to unlimited exercise. I don’t go out every day, but if I can I try to take a nice long walk around the neighbourhood or one of the local parks at least 3-4 times per week. There are so many people out and about having their daily walk, run or cycle, so I try to time my walk to when it’s a bit quieter. It’s interesting seeing the etiquette of everyone making way for each other. I try to stick to the wider footpaths or side streets when I can. I usually head off with no specific route planned and plot it out as I go depending on which streets look busy and where the sunshine is! 🚶‍♀️🧘‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧘‍♀️🚶‍♀️🧘‍♀️

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The diary of me and my little guy in lockdown – **working from home and furlough**

My husband and I have both been working from home since the middle of March. Given we live in a very small 1 bedroom flat, our set up on the dining room table is pretty cosy, but functional!! Until one of us needs to have a conference call (which Michael is on constantly)!! Our kitchen bench has doubled up as a desk on more than one occasion!Read More »

The diary of me and my little guy in lockdown **Sunshine and outdoor space**

We are super lucky to have a tiny little private courtyard attached to our 1 bedroom flat in East London. So many Londoners live in small apartments without any outside space at all. Luckily there are parks and green space all across the city. Our local Victoria Park was closed for several weeks early on because too many people were disobeying the rules. Thankfully it’s reopened, but we are still limited to how long we’re allowed out, and obviously no sunbathing or picnics or anything like that are permitted, so we are super grateful to have a little bit of our own space, no matter how small it is!

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