WEGO Health Activist Awards

I am excited to announce I have been nominated for the 2016 WEGO Health Activist Awards. I am SO honoured to be a “Rookie of the Year” nominee for the 5th Annual WEGO #HAAwards! screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-12-39-01-pm

WEGO Health, a network of +100k patient influencers, has create the awards program to:

  • Recognize patient influencers who have become leaders among leaders
  • Connect patient leaders to each otheracross conditions and platforms
  • Give a big “Thank You” to all the leaders impacting their lives 

I am so excited and so grateful to be nominated. Thank you to all those who have nominated me – it means the world! I am amongst some amazing health activists and it’s awesome to see so many other IBD & Ostomy bloggers nominated across the 14 categories, including many that I follow and inspired me to start blogging myself! 

We have just entered the endorsement phase and I would love if you could endorse me. You can vote daily, so if I have ever supported you, made you laugh or inspired you to keep fighting – please vote for me!

If you know anyone within our community who should have been nominated, don’t worry there is still time. Make sure to nominate all health leaders today because they all deserve to be celebrated!

Once again, a big THANK YOU 🙂 I hope I inspire you guys as much as you all inspire me! I am honoured to be part of such a caring, open and supportive online community that spreads all around the world. I have met so many amazing people with IBD and ostomies since starting Stoma-licious 18 months ago. I am proud of the inroads we are making in spreading awareness and understanding of IBD, reducing stigmas and creating empowerment to live full and fabulous lives with our stomas!


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